【英文缩写】 PBR

【英文全称】 Plant breeders' rights

【中文解释】 植物培育者权利

【缩写分类】 生物科学法律

【缩写简介】 PBRs are justified on the basis that they encourage investment in plant breeding,the argument being that without legal protection there would be little incentive to develop new conventionally-bred varieties of plants,especially of crops such as wheat and rice that usually self-pollinate,and therefore retain the same genetic make-up through several generations.

【详细介绍】 PBRs are justified on the basis that they encourage investment in plant breeding,the argument being that without legal protection there would be little incentive to develop new conventionally-bred varieties of plants,especially of crops such as wheat and rice that usually self-pollinate,and therefore retain the same genetic make-up through several generations. Without PBRs,breeders cannot legally prevent farmers and rival companies from selling second generation seed (except perhaps through contracts).
Evidence suggests that the introduction of PBRs in Europe and North America has led to increased private investment in plant breeding overall,but that this increase has been modest and targeted at a small number of crop species. [1] Also,much breeding effort continues to focus on crops like maize that are relatively easy to hybridise,rather than on self-pollinating crops bred through the more traditional crossing and selecting methods which result in varieties that can be protected by PBRs.
The attraction for farmers is that the first generation of hybrid seed is extremely productive. The drawbacks are that this 'hybrid vigour' does not extend to harvested seed,which does not even breed true to type (i.e. maintain its essential characteristics through the generations). Farmers must consequently buy fresh seed for each planting season. This is a major benefit for the seed companies,which is why they invest so much in hybrid breeding.
One consequence of the World Trade Organisation's (WTO) Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is that WTO member countries — including developing countries — must provide IPR protection for plant varieties. This is either in the form of patents,or through a sui generis (i.e. one-of-a-kind) system. In principle,the sui generis provision allows countries to develop their own national system for protecting plants. In practice,however,the UPOV Convention is likely to be the most widely used model,as it is the only plant variety protection system that exists in international IPR law.


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PBR生物科学|法律 植物培育者权利 Plant breeders' rights

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