【英文缩写】 CFB

【英文全称】 Canadian Foodgrains Bank

【中文解释】 加拿大食品银行

【缩写分类】 机构组织经济管理

【缩写简介】 Established in 1983,the Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a Canadian-based Christian organization that helps provide food and development assistance to people in need on behalf of our 13 Canadian church members.

【详细介绍】 Established in 1983,the Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a Canadian-based Christian organization that helps provide food and development assistance to people in need on behalf of our 13 Canadian church members.
Today,Canadian Foodgrains Bank ranks among the largest private food aid providers in the world. Donations made by Canadians have helped Canadian Foodgrains Bank and its members provide over 930,000 metric tonnes of food to people who are hungry throughout the world.
Canadian Foodgrains Bank


英文缩写 缩写分类 中文意思 英文全称
CFB电子电工 呼叫前转忙 Call Forwarding Busy
CFB机构组织|经济管理 加拿大食品银行 Canadian Foodgrains Bank
CFB化学化工 循环流化床 Circulating fluid bed

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