【英文缩写】 NZFSA

【英文全称】 The New Zealand Food Safety Authority

【中文解释】 新西兰食品安全局

【缩写分类】 机构组织农业科学


【详细介绍】 NZFSA has been set up from 1 July 2002 to administer legislation covering food for sale on the domestic market,primary processing of animal products and official assurances related to their export,exports of plant products and the controls surrounding registration and use of agricultural compounds and veterinary medicines. NZFSA is the New Zealand controlling authority for imports and exports of food and food related products.


英文缩写 缩写分类 中文意思 英文全称
NZFSA机构组织|农业科学 新西兰食品安全局 The New Zealand Food Safety Authority

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