【英文缩写】 FPDC

【英文全称】 Food Processing Development Centre

【中文解释】 食品加工发展中心(加拿大)

【缩写分类】 机构组织农业科学

【缩写简介】 The Food Processing Development Centre is a modern,fully equipped pilot plant and product development laboratory facility. It's staffed with experienced food scientists,engineers and technologists.

【详细介绍】 The Food Processing Development Centre is a modern,fully equipped pilot plant and product development laboratory facility. It's staffed with experienced food scientists,engineers and technologists. Centre services are designed to strengthen and expand the capability of Alberta's food processors to meet the challenges of the marketplace through application of new technology and the development of new or improved products and processes.
The Food Processing Development Centre is one of the Food Processing Development Division of Alberta Agriculture,Food and Rural Development. Each of our four units is uniquely situated to provide research and development facilities for agri-food processing companies,or those interested in non-food uses for agricultural products.


英文缩写 缩写分类 中文意思 英文全称
FPDC机构组织|农业科学 食品加工发展中心(加拿大) Food Processing Development Centre

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