【英文缩写】 SCNRC

【英文全称】 South Carolina Nutrition Research Consortium

【中文解释】 南卡罗来纳州营养研究联盟

【缩写分类】 机构组织农业科学


The South Carolina Nutrition Research Consortium was established in July 2003 with four founding partners: Clemson University,the Medical University of South Carolina,the University of South Carolina,and the South Carolina Research Authority. The Consortium was originally chartered to leverage the resources of South Carolina's three research universities,as well as other state colleges and universities,industry,and government,for the purposes of fostering innovative research on nutrition and its effects on human health and launching outreach programs that will promote good nutrition and disease prevention among all South Carolinians.
Fosters research on nutrition and its effects on human health.


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SCNRC机构组织|农业科学 南卡罗来纳州营养研究联盟 South Carolina Nutrition Research Consortium

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