【英文缩写】 ASN

【英文全称】 The American Society for Nutritional

【中文解释】 美国营养学会

【缩写分类】 机构组织

【缩写简介】 develop and extend knowledge of nutrition of all species through fundamental,multidisciplinary,and clinical research; facilitate contact among investigators in nutrition,medicine and related fields of interest; support the dissemination and application of nutrition science to improve public health and clinical practice worldwide; promote graduate education and training of physicians in nutrition; provide reliable nutrition information to those who need it,and advocate for nutrition research and its application to development and implementation of policies and practices related to nutrition.


英文缩写 缩写分类 中文意思 英文全称
asn电子电工 抽象语法符号 Abstract Syntax Natation
asn电子电工 自动系统号码 Autonomous System Number
ASN天文地理|机构组织 亚松森 ASUNCION
ASN社科总论 《原子科学家新闻》期刊 [英] Atomic Scientists' News
ASN数学物理 平均取样数 Average Sample Number
ASN电子电工 ATM交换网 ATM Switching Network
ASN交通运输 高级发货通知 Advance Shipment Notice
asn生物科学 天冬酰胺 Asparagine
ASN机构组织 美国营养学会 The American Society for Nutritional

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