【英文缩写】 SBF
【英文全称】 the Singapore Business Federation
【中文解释】 新加坡工商联合总会
【缩写简介】 As the APEX business chamber,the Singapore Business Federation (SBF) champions the interests of the business community in Singapore,in trade,investment and industrial relations. Nationally,SBF acts as the bridge between the government and the businesses in Singapore to create a conducive business environment. Internationally,SBF represents the business community in bilateral,regional,multilateral fora for the purpose of trade expansion and business networking.
英文缩写 | 缩写分类 | 中文意思 | 英文全称 |
SBF | 机构组织|经济管理 | 新加坡工商联合总会 | the Singapore Business Federation |
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