【英文缩写】 IPCS

【英文全称】 the International Programme on Chemical Safety

【中文解释】 化学安全国际项目

【缩写分类】 化学化工

【缩写简介】 IPCS INCHEM is an invaluable tool for those concerned with chemical safety and the sound management of chemicals.Produced through cooperation between the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) and the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). IPCS INCHEM directly responds to one of the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) priority actions to consolidate current,internationally peer-reviewed chemical safety-related publications and database records from international bodies,for public access.


英文缩写 缩写分类 中文意思 英文全称
IPCS化学化工 化学安全国际项目 the International Programme on Chemical Safety

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