【英文缩写】 ICES

【英文全称】 International Council of Electrophoresis Societies

【中文解释】 国际电泳学会委员会

【缩写分类】 机构组织化学化工

【缩写简介】 The International Council of Electrophoresis Societies (ICES) is a loose confederation of national electrophoresis societies,with no dues and no secretariat. The main purpose of ICES is to organize an international meeting every two years. The President of ICES is the convenor of the next international meeting (currently Pier Giorgio Righetti). He (in this case) is responsible for communication with the other national societies,which then communicate with their members.


英文缩写 缩写分类 中文意思 英文全称
ICES机构组织 国际文凭审核服务处 International Credential Evaluation Service
ICES土木建筑 综合土木工程系统 Integrated Civil Engineering System
ICES机构组织|化学化工 国际电泳学会委员会 International Council of Electrophoresis Societies

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