【英文缩写】 CAB

【英文全称】 The Centre for Animal Biotechnology

【中文解释】 (墨尔本大学)动物生物技术中心

【缩写分类】 生物科学机构组织

【缩写简介】 The Centre for Animal Biotechnology (CAB) was established in 1990 as a centre of excellence for large animal research within the School of Veterinary Science,The University of Melbourne. The major goal of CAB is to promote and conduct high quality research in large animal species that will contribute significantly to the development of improved methods for livestock management and disease control as well as serving as useful models for human disease processes.


英文缩写 缩写分类 中文意思 英文全称
CAB医药卫生 醋酸丁酸纤维素 Cellulose Acetate Butyrate
CAB机构组织|农业科学 英联邦农业局 Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
CAB工业工程 保护气体钎焊 controlled atmosphere-brazing
CAB经济管理 挑战——措施——行动 Challenge - Action - Behavior
CAB生物科学|机构组织 (墨尔本大学)动物生物技术中心 The Centre for Animal Biotechnology
CAB航空航天|机构组织 民航局 Civil Aeronautics Board
CAB电子电工 计算机地址总线 Computer Address Bus
cab电子电工 压缩内阁文件 compressed cabinet file

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