【英文缩写】 CRS

【英文全称】 Chemical Reaction Stoichiometry

【中文解释】 化学反应计量学

【缩写分类】 化学化工

【缩写简介】 The web offers free resources related to Chemical Reaction Stoichiometry. Three essential ingredients of CRS:the concept of conservation of types and amounts of atomic species during chemical change; the representation of chemical species by molecular formulas,and a list of the species involved in a system of interest; a simple means of solving the linear equations expressing conservation.


英文缩写 缩写分类 中文意思 英文全称
CRS生物科学|医药卫生 顺式作用阻抑序列 cis-acting repressor sequence
CRS化学化工 化学标准品 Chemical Reference Substance
CRS经济管理 客户报告系统 Customer Record System
CRS电子电工 计算机储存系统 Computer Reservation System
CRS电子电工 呼叫再定向服务器 Call Redirection Server
CRS电子电工 呼叫再定向监视器 Call Redirection Supervisor
CRS电子电工 呼叫路由选择系统 Call Routing System
CRS电子电工 信元中继业务 Cell Relay Service
CRS化学化工 化学反应计量学 Chemical Reaction Stoichiometry

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