【英文缩写】 CESE

【英文全称】 Center for Electrochemical Science and Engineering,University of Virginia

【中文解释】 (弗吉尼亚大学)电化学科学与工程中心

【缩写分类】 化学化工机构组织

【缩写简介】 CESE is a multi-disciplinary research effort which includes activities in the Departments of Materials Science and Engineering,and Chemical Engineering,as well as interactions with Electrical Engineering,Computer Science,and Physics.


英文缩写 缩写分类 中文意思 英文全称
CESE化学化工|机构组织 (弗吉尼亚大学)电化学科学与工程中心 Center for Electrochemical Science and Engineering,University of Virginia

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