【英文缩写】 CDC

【英文全称】 The Canadian Dairy Commission

【中文解释】 加拿大奶制品行业委员会

【缩写分类】 机构组织农业科学

【缩写简介】 The Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC),a federal Crown corporation,plays a central facilitating role for the multi-billion dollar Canadian dairy industry.

【详细介绍】 The Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC),a federal Crown corporation,plays a central facilitating role for the multi-billion dollar Canadian dairy industry.
Created through the Canadian Dairy Commission Act of 1966,the CDC reports to Parliament through the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. Funded by the federal government,producers and the marketplace,the CDC strives to balance and serve the interests of all dairy stakeholders - producers,processors,further processors,exporters,consumers and governments.


英文缩写 缩写分类 中文意思 英文全称
CDC机构组织|医药卫生 疾病预防与控制中心 Center for Disease Control and Prevention
CDC生物科学|医药卫生 依赖于补体的细胞毒性 complement-dependent cytotoxicity
CDC电子电工 中央数字计算机 Central Digital Computer
cdc机构组织 控制数据公司 Control Data Corporation
CDC军事政治 战斗发展指挥部[美] Combat Development Command
CDC机构组织 英联邦开发公司 Commonwealth Development Corporation
CDC机构组织 控制分配中心 Control Distribution Centre
CDC航空航天 航向航程计算器 Course and Distance Calculator
CDC电子电工 计算机开发中心 Computer Development Center
CDC轻工业 双绉 crepe de Chine
CDC电子电工 连接设备配置 Connected Device Configuration
CDC机构组织|农业科学 加拿大奶制品行业委员会 The Canadian Dairy Commission

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