【英文缩写】 NFI

【英文全称】 National Fisheries Institute

【中文解释】 国家渔业协会

【缩写分类】 机构组织农业科学


【详细介绍】 The National Fisheries Institute is the leading trade association for the fish and seafood industry,and represents a wide spectrum of firms,from small family-owned businesses to large multinational corporations.
Our regular members are U.S. firms that operate fishing vessels and aquaculture facilities; which buy and sell,process,pack,import,export and distribute fish and seafood; and which operate retail stores and restaurants. Our associate members sell goods or services to fish and seafood firms. Our international members are firms domiciled outside the United States that import or export fish and seafood to or from the United States.
The NFI is committed to helping its members succeed in the global seafood marketplace. We make sure they are current on all the latest developments with bulletins,special reports and publications,and in numerous educational seminars.


英文缩写 缩写分类 中文意思 英文全称
NFI机构组织|农业科学 国家渔业协会 National Fisheries Institute
NFI机构组织 (泰国)国家食品研究所 The National Food Institute(Thailand)

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