【英文缩写】 DCAT

【英文全称】 Drug,Chemical & Allied Trades Association

【中文解释】 (美国)药品和化学品联合交易协会

【缩写分类】 机构组织医药卫生

【缩写简介】 The Drug,Chemical & Allied Trades Association,Inc. (DCAT) is the premier business development association for the pharmaceutical,chemical and nutritional industries. Founded in 1890,DCAT is one of the oldest associations in the country. It owes its longevity and strength to its mission of building relationships within the industries by bringing colleagues together. Today,its members include more than 350 companies,in the United States and abroad,who manufacture,distribute or provide services to the pharmaceutical,chemical,nutritional and related industries.


英文缩写 缩写分类 中文意思 英文全称
DCAT机构组织|医药卫生 (美国)药品和化学品联合交易协会 Drug,Chemical & Allied Trades Association

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